Mud Station

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ADHD is scary

Originally posted on @myadhdpots on Instagram

Niedoczas /time-trouble, zeitnot/*

My whole life I feel like I am ending task in a time that should be already dedicated for doing something different. Something NEW preferably.

Deadlines are piling up, fresh ideas popping up in my head, emails waiting to be answered (universe my witness that I'm trying to be on top of this one), clients wanting to ask if I can fix something that their child broke (no, I cannot but my brother can), train tickets to Milton Keynes and back (done but with some returns and repurchases because I forgot that C. visit at the hospital is at 3pm rather than 9am), ferrets needing to be fed, and these walls in the living room would look nicer if I finally got time to paint them. Really. They would, and then I could start unpacking rest of the boxes from moving flat in October.

Sounds familiar?

It's not like I cannot plan my day, I'm lazy, or spending half of the day on my phone. It's more like I cannot resist doing little (it'll be quick, 5 minutes top, I promise) spontaneous tasks while I should focus on one thing, and doing it from the beginning to end/finish. 9 things started, 7 halfway done, another 5 waiting for final polish. Some are simple, like washing the dishes, some look like a mammoth, complex, containing great chunk of smaller tasks that need to be done in order for mammoth to be successful. (Photo)

The trick is that only finished task can release dopamine in your brain. Small or big, doesn't matter. So I need to finish forementioned things (all of them) in order to get reward - burst of dopamine 🥳 Sounds pretty simple.

There is one huge BUT...

"...According to the Gulf Bend Center, people with ADHD may have a higher concentration of dopamine transporters in the brain. These transporters remove dopamine from brain cells. When there are more transporters in one area of the brain, they do this too quickly, which means that dopamine has less time to exert its effects.(...)"

Shannon Johnson on June 18, 2019, Medical News Today

It doesn't look good. Because I'm dopamine junkie.


*In chess played with a time control time trouble is the situation where a player has little time to complete the required moves.